Canine Chronicles

A photo of Chantal’s family dog Bug, a two-year-old Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever who does not have separation issues but does enjoy checking out what the local teenager are up to. Ph

Managing your dog’s separation anxiety

Navigating separation anxiety in dogs can be an emotional rollercoaster for both pet and guardian alike. The mere mention of… Continue reading “Managing your dog’s separation anxiety”

It’s the classic dog game but be aware that not all breeds and temperaments are keen to fetch. As can be seen above, Chantal’s dog, Bug, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, is okay with it. For keen fetchers, the challenge then becomes self-regulation. Photo: Matthew Ellis

Fetch and retrieve–Don’t assume your dog is a natural

It’s the classic dog game but be aware that not all breeds and temperaments are keen to fetch. As can be seen above, Chantal’s dog, Bug, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, is okay with it. For keen fetchers, the challenge then becomes self-regulation. Photo: Matthew Ellis

‘Planned failure’ used to be a common strategy in the dog-training world but, even when successful, it can lead to discouragement and frustration for your dog, impeding its enthusiasm to learn. Photo: Mihai Bența, Pexels

Set your dog up for success by reducing frustration

Imagine if I asked the students in my English class to perform a play in front of the school after… Continue reading “Set your dog up for success by reducing frustration”

Dogs will give subtle signs of stress when being placed in uncomfortable situations they don’t feel ready to handle. Recognizing these signs can help avoid problems in the future. Photo: Santa from Pixabay

Your dog should be allowed to say ‘no,’ too

When I first started training dogs, almost two decades ago, I subscribed to the concept of per-mission-based training. It was,… Continue reading “Your dog should be allowed to say ‘no,’ too”

As she's experienced with her dog Bug (pictured), Chantal Mills notes trying to force a dog to behave when he or she isn’t ready will only lead to setbacks. Photo by Matthew Ellis

When setting training goals, expect pit stops and u-turns

From the desk of Chantal Mills, B.Ed., Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT), CPDT-KA, Fear-free certified

If you have a dog, chances are you also have training goals. Perhaps you have short-term, long-term or even lofty… Continue reading “When setting training goals, expect pit stops and u-turns”

Canine Chronicles
There are many possible reasons for a dog’s apparent obstinance

I’ve heard many variations of “my dog is stubborn” over the years. Some complain that their dog only listens when it’s convenient. Others tell me that their dog blows them off and ignores them. Some people have gone as far as telling me that their dog is a jerk.