Letters to the Editor

John Graham's account of his time as a young naval cadet on the HCMS La Hulloise during Queen Elizabeth II's naval coronation in 1953 drew responses from readers.

Letters to the editor

Reader feedback submitted to the 2023 November-December edition

These are letters to the editor submitted to the Manor Park Chronicle. Naval inquiry I was intrigued by John Graham’s… Continue reading “Letters to the editor”

Manor Park residents have been invited to name the new pedestrian bridge at Blasdell Ave.

Letters to the editor, May-June 2023

Blasdell Bridge naming After learning about the naming of the Blasdell Ave. Pedestrian Bridge (March-April Chronicle), my children Michael (aged… Continue reading “Letters to the editor, May-June 2023”

This photo of Joanne Curran as a child on the rink in Manor Park was taken in 1956, likely by her husband Jacques Robichon. Both are the parents of resident Meaghan Sullivan, who submitted the photo the Chronicle. Houses along Eastbourne Ave. are visible in the background. Photo submitted by Meaghan Sullivan

Letters to the editor, March-April 2023

1950s flashback Manor Park resident, and Chronicle reader, Meaghan Sullivan sent us this photo of her mom, Joanne Curran, which… Continue reading “Letters to the editor, March-April 2023”