About The Chronicle
The Manor Park Chronicle is a not-for-profit community newspaper serving the vibrant neighbourhood of Manor Park in Ottawa, Ontario. The Chronicle publishes news stories, feature articles and content that is of interest to the community and is contributed by the community. The Chronicle is published by the Manor Park Community Council and the Manor Park Community Association five editions per year:
- September/October
- November/December
- January/February
- March/April, and
- May/June.
The newspaper is distributed by volunteers and is free to Manor Park residents,advertisers and local businesses. The circulation of the newspaper is about 5,000 copies.
Editorial Submission Guidelines
The Chronicle welcomes submissions including community news, profiles, opinion pieces, essays, letters, photographs and art work for consideration but does not guarantee publication. We reserve the right to edit for length, clarity, grammar and legal considerations. We take care to preserve the writer’s position and to retain the writer’s “voice.” Send submissions to editor@manorparkchronicle.com.
To be considered for publication, please ensure that articles do not exceed 850 words. Letters should not exceed 300 words and event listings should not exceed 50 words. Please send in submissions by the announced deadline in the newspaper, or earlier if possible, via electronic files (Word .doc or .docx or rtf). Photos should be high-resolution (300 DPI or higher), uncropped, and submitted with articles as separate email attachments and accompanied by a caption and photo credit.