Business Buzz

Image of a neon vertical sign: BUZZ

Happy new year, readers! To our advertisers and our local business community, thank you for your valued, ongoing support of the Chronicle. May 2025 be a promising year of continued growth and success—of personal heath and happiness.

This Buzz is timely and interesting: a wonderful mix of information with columnists Mark Lindenberg and Natalie Ethier profiling severeal current and new advetisers.

Together, we thank those who have renewed as five-issue advertising subscribers with this edition: Art House Custom Framing (Adam Farhat), Beechwood Auto Service (Pierre Fortier), Beechwood Cemetery & Funeral Service (Nicholas McCarthy), Books on Beechwood (Hilary Porter), Compu-Home (John and Malcolm Harding), Elmwood School, Fresh (Margot Robinson), Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa (Lisa Wilson, managing director), Guertin Poirier Avocats/Lawyers (Natalie Guertin and Michèle Poirier), Halley’s Service Centre (Josée Jolivet), Kavanaugh Garage (Terry Kavanaugh), Rideau-Rockcliffe Coun. Rawlson King, Mackay United Church, St. Columba Anglican Church, St. David and St. Martin Presbyterian Church, Steadfast Dental (Howard Zheng), and Your Pet Palace (Diane Campbell).

We extend a warm Chronicle welcome to new advertisers joining us this issue: Beechwood Animal Hospital, ChiroHouse (Lauren Evenson and Dr. Jack Hull), and Stonemont on the Park—Retirement Lifestyle Residence.

Mark writes about Art House Custom Framing, ChiroHouse, and Stonemont on the Park. Natalie reports on Chew-That, Halley’s Service Centre, and Mia’s Indian Cuisine-St. Laurent. This is Natalie’s last Buzz column as she departs to pursue other endeavour—best wishes for the future!

Read on!

Sharleen Tattersfield, Ad Manager