Business Buzz

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Hello readers! Shorter days, fading light and falling temperatures–November heralds the arrival of winter in our little corner of Ottawa. As we enter the festive season, here’s wishing everyone the best of life, love and happiness.

This Buzz has everything: a wonderful mix of offerings in our local business community with columnists Mark Lindenberg and Natalie Ethier profiling several current and new advertisers.

Together, we acknowledge with grattitude the ongoing support of our valued advertisers. We thank those who have renewed as five-issue advertising subscribers with this edition: Bread & Roses Bakery (Chris Green), Ian Brown, realtor, Epicuria (Michelle Lafrance), Fern Hill School (Deborah Guttierez, principal), Manor Park Barber Shop (Aleisis Avila Rodriguez and Laura Goyos), M&B: A Fine Butchery (Andrew Muckleston), Polaris School & Centre (Dina Cristino, director), and Union Street Kitchen Café (Christine Garand and Craig Pedersen).

We extend a warm Chronicle welcome to new and returning advertisers joining us this issue: Clothes Encounters of a Second Time (Monique Dugas), Dante Cucina Italiana (Karim Teyeb and Massimo Dondi), Goodies Fine Catering and Toasty Arapas (Pierre Mineault), Hillary’s and Monsons Cleaners (John Murray), Montreal Road Animal Hospital (Dr. Kevin Manesh), Ottawa Safety Council (Jamie Kwong, exectuive director), Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish, Pet Value Ottawa-Beechwood (Daniel Korolev), and Phoenix Players (David Hoffman).

Mark writes about Dante Cucina Italiana, MLC Healthcare, and Phoenix Players. Natalie reports on Bread & Roses Bakery, Clothes Encounters of a Second Time, and Goodies Fine Catering and Toasty Arapas.

Read on!

Sharleen Tattersfield, Ad Manager