Manor Park Community Council (MPCC) child care and early learning for January-February 2024

By Manor Park Chronicle

Before-and-After-school in Manor Park Supervisor Amy Mombourquette, Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE)
Before-and-After-school in Manor Park Supervisor Amy Mombourquette, Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE)

Sports, dance, reading and acting.

These are just a few of the clubs we have going on at Before- and After-school in Manor Park.

The clubs evolve as the children’s interests change. I’m excited to announce that there will be a dance showcase in the new year, where children will get to show off the moves they have been practicing for the past two months.

This showcase will take place at the MPCC Skating Party on February 3. See you there!

Our sports club offers many different activities, the most interesting right now is pickle ball. Pickle ball is new to our educators and children, and it has been a lot of fun watching them learn the game together.

I wish you all a happy new year and look forward to what 2024 has to offer!

MPCC child care–Recreation and learning

Young coders

Learn how to code! In partnership with Pixel Code Classroom, work on projects, explore computer science, software development and more! Animate 2-D games that get published online for others to play. A great introduction into the world of computers and game development. Kids will work with bits of code as they learn to build their own interactive apps. By course’s end, students will learn and use: variables, functions, logic and data structures.

Virtual reality for kids

Step into virtual reality (VR) and design with Oculus VR in partnership with Pixel Code Classroom. Learn to program and gain valuable coding skills for the future. Explore this new technology as it unfolds! Kids will build scenes and objects in Unity and then deploy them to the VR headset. Advanced students can continue their learning path to create real experiences in Unity for mass audiences.

Four students maximum per each class to offer personalized care and instruction. Your child gets even more out of their coding experience.

Young Coders

Six weeks, 4 to 4:55 p.m. Mondays starting January 8

Six weekes, 5 to 5:55 p.m. Mondays starting January 8

1805 Gaspé


Virtual Reality for Kids

Six weeks, 6 to 6:55 p.m. Mondays starting January 8

1805 Gaspé


Dungeons & Dragons Online
Choose Sundays or Wednesdays! Join the MPCC for a new season of Dungeons &Dragons Online! Become a player in the world’s most popular table top role-playing game. Players will take on the role of a fantasy-themed character within an adventuring party of up to seven characters. The party will work together to overcome various physical and mental obstacles introduced to them by the storyteller

Players will be required to go on a weekly adventure cultivating their creativity, teamwork, decision-making, commitment, and character development skills

Seven classes, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays starting January 10


Seven classes, 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays starting January 14


Kids’ Cooking Club: What’s For Dinner?

This popular club has been selling out since January! Don’t wait to join! Join Donna in the kitchen to explore new recipes and cooking techniques! Kids will learn new flavours, ingredients and recipes! Kids will build their confidence in the kitchen while having fun with friends. Parents take the night off from cooking because dinner is included!

Six weeks, 6:00 to 7:45 p.m. Fridays starting March 22

100 Thornwood Rd.


Red Cross babysitting training course

Top Choice Award 2022 – Best Babysitting Training Services. The Red Cross Babysitting Course will provide the training they need. This Babysitter training course is designed for youth aged 11 to 14. The Canadian Red Cross Babysitting course covers everything from managing difficult behaviours to essential content on leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter.

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday February 24

100 Thornwood Rd.


MPCC child care–Sports

Jr. NBA Basketball

This program is a great introduction to the sport of basketball and the perfect platform to build and develop existing skills. Your child will run and jump their way into a love for one of Canada’s most in-demand sports. Jr. NBA program curriculum is designed by Canada Basketball and NBA Staff to teach the game of basketball. Equipment, nets, drills and games will all be age appropriate and based on the latest foundations in long-term athlete development. (Players received a welcome package including NBA jersey, ball and parent guide.)

All MPCC sports programs for children are proudly co-ed and welcome players from all neighbourhoods, abilities and skill levels.

Eight weeks Tuesdays starting February 6

Ages 5 to 6, 6 to 6:50 p.m.

Ages 7 to 12, 7 to 8 p.m.


Skating lessons

Skating is a great way to stay active, get outside and make the most of the cold Ottawa winters! Intro to skate offers your child a safe and fun introduction to the wonderful world of skating on outdoor rinks. We will set your child on a path to loving one of Canada’s favourite pastimes.

Our team of instructors will lead your child(ren) through a series of exercises and games designed to grow their confidence and get them skating on their own.

Six weeks, 6 to 6:50 p.m. choose Wednesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays starting the third week of January

Ages 5 to 11

100 Thornwood Rd.


MPCC child care–March Break

March Break Dungeons & Dragons Full-Day Camps (in-person)
Join our “Dungeon Master in Residence” Doug Coughler as we take our Dungeons & Dragons program from the computer screen to in-person. We will be running three full day sessions of Dungeons and Dragons during Ottawa-Carleton District School Board March Break. In addition to playing the game, Doug will be sharing tips and tricks on how the players can play the game at home with their friends at little-to-no cost and discussing some of the differences between in-person and online play.
New players are welcome and encouraged! No electronic devices are required. Pre-generated characters will be available, or you can make your own on the day of the session.

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday March 12
1805 Gaspé Ave.

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday March 13
1805 Gaspé Ave.

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday March 14
1805 Gaspé Ave.

March Break camp

Join us this March Break for an awesome week of fun at the Manor Park Community Centre! Arts, crafts, music, movement and more! Kids can expect to have a fun and social week hanging out with friends, playing outdoors, enjoying organized activities, crafts and more.

Quiet time and free play will be interwoven into the day. Dress for the weather! Expect lots of outdoor play!

All counsellors are qualified, caring and enthusiastic! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis until spaces are full.

Registration will open 9 a.m. January 29 at

Ages 4 to 10

9a.m. to 4 p.m.

100 Thornwood Rd.

Price TBD