Meet you neighbour: Craig Storey

By Jennifer Cook

Photo of Craig Storey for May-June 2024 Meet Your Neighbour

The Meet Your Neighbour feature for the May-June edition of the Manor Park Chronicle features local resident Crag Storey,

Who are you?

I’m Craig Storey and I live on Bedford Crescent with my wife Edith and our children Graham and Laurel.

Where were you born?

I was born in Sudbury, Ontario. After coming to Ottawa as a summer student at the National Research Council Canada (NRC), I turned that into a full-time job and never left. I was working at NRC and was supposed to go back to Lakehead to do a master’s in physics. But the professor called and said would you postpone for a year because the equipment we ordered for your work sunk in the Japanese tsunami! I told this to my supervisor who then came back with a job offer and I never left!

Why did you choose your occupation? Did you ever consider another occupation?

I’m a technical officer with the electronics team at NRC. I’m a test engineer and do measurement automation for devices such as lasers. Currently we’re developing high temperature electronics that can operate at 475 C on the surface of Venus.

I went to school at Lakehead University to do both physics and to ski race with the National Training Centre for Nordic skiing. I dreamed of racing at the Olympics.

What is the most important thing in your life right now?


Why do you live in Manor Park?

It’s close to work, and I love the proximity to the river and recreational trails.

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you go and why?

Norway, as I could ski all the time with great scenery and lots to explore.

What do you do to stay healthy?

I commute to work along the river, whether skiing, running, or biking. As a family we also hike, Nordic ski, canoe and bike. Graham and I are currently training to ride Rideau Lakes Cycle tTour which is a two-day 240 km ride from Perth to Kingston and back.

What is the last book that you read?

I listen to a lot of audio books. The Three Body Problem was the last audio book I finished. It’s an interesting story about physicists contacting aliens, and the aliens attempts to limit human science before invading.

What has been one of your biggest challenges?

Finding time to do everything I want.

Who would you cast to play you in a movie about your life?

Good question. Will Ferrell – people have said I look like him.

If I won the lottery, I would spend my winnings on…

I’d upgrade all my sports equipment (skis and bikes) and then go on more adventures and vacations to see more mountains, and lakes and wilderness.

What is your favourite childhood memory?

I have great memories of summers at the family cottage north of Sudbury swimming and fishing.

My favourite thing about Ottawa is…?

It’s an accessible sized city and the recent addition of the urban ski trails has been amazing.

My least favourite thing about Ottawa is…?

The four levels of bureaucracy that slow the needed improvements to infrastructure like linking bike lanes and paths to existing corridors.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In the same house, same job but with one kid in university and other finishing high school.

What do you wish to teach your children about the world?

They should be kind. Find something they love to do and persevere in whatever they choose. Hard work is more important than natural talent.

Note: This interview has been edited and shortened for clarity and space.

Active on snow and sand, Craig once dreamed of Nordic skiing in the Olympics. He uses the Ottawa River pathway to commute to work, regardless of the season. Photos provided