Kids’ Night Out is the newest drop-off program for kids Friday nights at the MPCC.
Have you heard about Kids’ Night Out? Our newest drop-off program for kids on Friday nights this fall! Awesome instructors, age-appropriate games, choices and activities. A safe and fun atmosphere at the Manor Park Community Centre for kids ages 6-12.
Need to get some errands done, Christmas shopping–or maybe it’s date night? Register in advance and drop the kids off! Snacks and light dinner also available for purchase as an added bonus for busy parents. Should be lots of fun! Come hang out with us!
Make sure to register early, Manor Park, for all our programs. With reduced class sizes to keep everything safe, spaces are limited. Head on over to and secure your spot in any of our arts, fitness or recreation programs for adults and kids!
Arts Programming
For teens and Adults (Ages 16 and up)
*All art take place in-person. All skill levels are welcome. Supplies are not included.
In this short, four-week course, explore the skills needed for accurate and expressive portraiture, including facial proportions, shading, front, 3 /4 and profile views, all under the guidance of an experienced artist and teacher. All skill levels welcome. Supplies not included.
Master your techniques in drawing in order to open doors to your creativity! This is a basic course in the essentials of drawing. Whether it be to do outdoor sketching or to develop further skills in using graphite mediums, this course will enable you to understand the artistic values of the pencil. All levels welcome. Supplies not included.
In this program individual style is encouraged with lots of one-on-one instruction. All levels welcome. Supplies not included.
Eight classes – Saturdays
Jan. 22 – Mar. 12, 2022
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
$170 per session
Looking for a place to sew with like-minded individuals? Need some assistance with a difficult pattern? Join this group of social “sewists” and share your love of fabric hoarding, project starting and the immense gratification that finishing the perfect project brings!
The group meets every other Sunday at the Manor Park Community Center. Self-guided. Bring your own materials.
Every other Sunday
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Deep Rest & Relaxation
Join Nathalie Gagnon, certified yoga teacher and mindset coach for a deeply relaxing experience to connect to deep rest and relaxation. You will learn simple techniques to calm your nervous system and quiet the mind. This nourishing experience includes a relaxing yin yoga practice that will leave you feeling more grounded and relaxed. You will also receive three essential oil samples to help you integrate relaxation at a deeper level.
Virtual Discussion
Wednesday – Nov. 10
7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
For Kids
Arts, crafts, active and table top games, music, dance–and more! Kids’ Night Out is a drop-off evening of fun for kids ages 6–12 at the Manor Park Community Center. Every other Friday starting November 5, kids will enjoy a variety of activities and choices to suit their age and interests. Awesome instructors will lead the charge and provide a safe, positive, and fun experience. A small canteen will be available for kids to purchase snacks. Option for light dinner available at point of registration.
Health screening, masks and physical distancing will be required as an added layer of COVID-19 prevention.
Nov. 5 / Nov. 19 / Dec. 3 / Dec. 17
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
$40 per child / $30 per each additional sibling
Manor Park Art Sale
Now Accepting Submissions
Art created by local artists, will be proudly displayed in the entrance of the Manor Park Community Centre. Great viewing for residents and visitors. All pieces available for purchase. Artists wishing to have their pieces considered must apply.
All media accepted for consideration (photography, painting, mixed media, textile, sculpture, etc…).
Artwork sale transactions will be handled by MPCC and 20 percent of the selling price will be taken by the MPCC as commission. Revenue generated will support recreation programs for residents in financial need through the Opportunity Fund.
Unsold artwork will be returned to the artist after a period of approximately six months. Artwork that has been sold will be available to the buyer for pick-up no later than the end of the six month-term that works will be on display. Amateurs and professionals are welcome to submit their work for consideration.
Only those whose work is selected for display will be contacted.