Ottawa public school board: A new year, a new plan

From the desk of Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Zone 6 Trustee Lyra Evans

By Manor Park Chronicle

Lyra Evans OCDSB School Trustee Zone 6: Rideau-Vanier and Rideau-Rockcliffe
Lyra Evans OCDSB School Trustee Zone 6: Rideau-Vanier and Rideau-Rockcliffe

It is with many mixed emotions that our district says goodbye to Director Camille Williams-Taylor, who has accepted a position in her home town as the director of the Durham District School Board. We are saddened to see her leave, but wish her the best in her new role. We are undertaking a search for the new director to be completed in June.

The school board selects a new chair each year. This year I was selected. The additional responsibilities will not distract or detract from my advocacy for the students and families of Zone 6.

We also selected a new vice-chair, Zone 10 Trustee Justine Bell, who has been an outstanding presence since her appointment last term and whom I think will do an excellent job in the role.

Previous decisions of the board

  • Nov 15: The new board was sworn in, committee and other Board appointments were allocated.
  • Nov 24: A special meeting of the board was called. We discussed, and ultimately decided not to exceed the provincial minimum set out as a masking requirement.
  • Nov 29: The board decided upon and hired a new chief financial officer, in addition to reviewing and approving the audited financial statements for 2021-2022. Michele Giroux was also appointed interim director to take over for Director Williams-Taylor’s departure.
  • Dec 20: The board of trustees heard from members of the Jewish community about the impacts of antisemitism on students. The board added the trustee members from the equity committee to the director search committee; and brought on a new community auditor.

Upcoming decisions of the board

2023-2027 Strategic Plan

The board will discuss and create the 2023-2027 strategic plan, beginning with community consultations in January. Dates to keep in the calendar are January 12th at Ottawa Technical Secondary School; January 19th at Bell High School; and February 2nd for a virtual session.

This is the guiding document which directs the district for the next four years. Last term, the strategic plan sought to create a culture of Innovation, Caring, and Social Responsibility.

Hiring of a Jewish equity coach

In January, a trustee motion has been announced to discuss the hiring of a Jewish equity coach, to support Jewish students facing the rise in antisemitism.

The creation of the 2023-2024 calendar

Each year, the ministry requires each district to create the next school year calendar. In February, we take this opportunity to designate which days will be PD days, when the school year starts and ends, and try to align our calendars with the other districts in the city.

Potential change to the cost of the Extended Day Program

The Extended Day Program is a commitment to offer a child care option before and after hours at each school. If any three families want the program and it doesn’t exist at a specific school, the district will create one.
The ministry sets out a cost recovery requirement, meaning the district can neither make, nor spend, money on the program year over year, so each year around February the fees for the program are revaluated.

Academic staffing

February is also the start of the budget process, with trustees discussing academic staffing. This means approximately how many teachers, of what programs, will the district need, and are there major changes on the horizon before their approval in March.

Revaluating the Early French Immersion and Core French programs

In the coming months, the district will begin to undertake a review of the English (with core French) program. Currently being discussed is if the district should extend the 50 per cent English / 50 per cent French program delivery offered in kindergarten all the way to grade three, and have families make the decision to enter Full French Immersion for Grade 4.

This process will likely take one to three years, with a formal consultation process happening later in the process.

As always, if you have concerns, questions, or thoughts, I am happy to hear from you.

