Local children shop with cops
The Vanier Social Pediatric Hub, a Vanier Community Services Centre program, was happy to organize the second edition of the Shop With Your Hero initiative where kids accompanied by the social-medical team at the Social Pediatric Hub went on a $200 shopping spree with police officer and firefighters.
This year, members of the Ontario Provincial Police–East Region, Ottawa Police Service and the Ottawa Professional Firefighter’s Association responded to the call. The children first gathered at the Vanier Community Services Centre for a pizza lunch
(sponsored by Little Ceasars Pizza).
The kids really enjoyed their ride in police cruisers to the St-Laurent Shopping Centre. Some children were very excited to have their photo taken with Santa and their shopping team.
Thanks to the financial contribution of the Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est, the Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario, the Ottawa Catholic District School Board, the St-Laurent Shopping Centre, Green for Life Environmental as well as Toys R Us and Babies R Us, as part of Shop With Your Hero, the kids received a $200 gift card to buy what they wanted for themselves and/or their families.