Licensed summer daycare at MPCC

By Manor Park Chronicle

Before-and-After-school in Manor Park Supervisor Amy Mombourquette, Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE)

We have a fantastic summer planned! Join us for Licensed Summer Daycare during July and August. Weekly special guests, lots of outdoor time, and splash pad time are added to the creative programming planned by our experienced Educators.

Licensed Summer Care is part of the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) program — $10 daycare – and accepts City of Ottawa fee subsidies. Ages 44 months to 12 years.

Before- and After-School in Manor Park registration is open for the September 2024 school year! Before school, after school, PA Days and during March Break, we welcome children from Manor Park Public School as well as community schools like Trille des Bois, Queen Mary and Montfort.

Children will enjoy everything from cooking to chess programs, gross motor activities, art, dance parties and more! We focus programming on the interests of children in our care. Let’s put our heads together and see what fun we can create in the 2024-2025 school year!

I look forward to meeting you this summer or in September!

Manor Park Community Council (MPCC)’s Licensed Summer Care is part of the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) program (i.e., $10 daycare). Graphic provided by MPCC