Church updates and events
Bytown Voices Community Choir celebrates nature in spring concert
The Bytown Voices Community Choir welcomes you to attend their spring concert entitled Home: Songs of Belonging, Land and Connection…. Continue reading “Bytown Voices Community Choir celebrates nature in spring concert”
As seasons change, St. Columba welcomes a new priest
Diana Poitras provides updates on church events
Reverend Canon Baxter Park is a former military chaplain and was the chaplain to the Canadian ships during the first Gulf War and also served with the Canadian Armed Forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Photo: Doug Banks
MacKay United stages Christmas music and more
Seasonal music, a night market, a wonderful concert, candlelight service, and a big, big bake sale are the highlights of… Continue reading “MacKay United stages Christmas music and more”
Around Town for the holidays November-December 2023
Around Town local events for the holidays, including concerts and markets around the city for November-December 2023. Local events MacKay’s… Continue reading “Around Town for the holidays November-December 2023”
A journey into the history of MacKay’s congregation
Curiosity did it–plus a chat with a historian friend–which put Alan Bowker on the road to writing a book about… Continue reading “A journey into the history of MacKay’s congregation”